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At FareStart, food is the tool that transforms lives. FareStart is a culinary job training and placement program for homeless and disadvantaged individuals. The FareStart Restaurant, located at 7th & Virginia in downtown Seattle, is open for lunch Monday-Friday from 11am–2pm, and for Guest Chef Night dinners on Thursdays from 5:30-8 p.m. All proceeds from the restaurant go back into the program to support FareStart’s job training and placement programs.

Held at the FareStart Restaurant, Guest Chef Night is a weekly highlight for the FareStart community. For FareStart students, it is a unique opportunity to work with Seattle's premier chefs. Every Thursday night, a different local chef works with students to prepare a delicious three-course meal. Guest Chef Night is $29.95 per person. For a calendar of upcoming chefs, please visit


700 Virginia Street

Payment Types:


Average Price:

$30 and under

Working Hours:

Lunch: Monday-Friday, 11 am-2 pm; Dinner: Thursdays, 5:30-8 pm

